burn off Англо-Русский Словарь

burn off

а) сжигать His hair was burnt off. Now that they have gathered in the crops, the farmers are burning off the stubble in the fields. б) удалять остатки урожая с поля The farmers are burning off the fields.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на B:
burn out - а) выжечь The building was burnt out and only the walls remained. The plane was completely burnt out after the crash. б) выгореть в) погореть, остаться без жилья после пожара The family were burnt out of their home twice last year. г) догореть; прекратить горение The small fire can safely be left to burn (itself) out д) отключиться из-за жары The engine has burned out. е) замирать, переставать работать The poet`s ability burned (itself) out before he was thirty. You`ll burn yourself out if you work too hard.
burn to a cinder - сжигать дотла
burn to a crisp - сжигать дотла
burn to ashes - сжигать дотла
burn to death - сжечь (кого-л.)
burn up - а) зажигать Put some more wood on the fire to make it burn up. б) (slang; jargon сленг; жаргон) вспылить; рассвирепеть в) сжигать All the wood has been burnt up. г) сгореть The spacecraft burned up when it re-entered in-earth`s atmosphere. д) ругать кого-л. The director burned Jim up for being late again. е) рассердить кого-л. I get all burned up when I hear how animals are badly treated. ж) ехать на большой скорости по чему-л. This fast car really burns up the road.

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Новости 27.02.2025 22:50:07