break in on Англо-Русский Словарь

break in on

прерывать The loud bell on the clock broke in upon his dreams. I`m sorry to break in on your private thoughts, but I think we should get on with some work.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на B:
break in upon - прерывать The loud bell on the clock broke in upon his dreams. I`m sorry to break in on your private thoughts, but I think we should get on with some work.
break into a trot - перейти на рысь
break into matchwood - мелко щепать
break jail - бежать из тюрьмы
break loose - а) сбежать Three prisoners broke loose as they were being taken to another prison this morning. б) выходить из-под контроля Violence broke loose in the city last night.
break monotony - нарушить однообразие
break of - вылечивать, излечивать, исцелять Doctors keep trying to break him of his dependence on the drug.
break of day - рассвет
break off - а) отламывать The wing of the plane broke off in mid-air and the plane crashed. Mary broke off some of the chocolate to give to the children. б) внезапно прекращать, обрывать (разговор, дружбу, знакомство и т. п.) to break off action/combat/the fight (military военный) выйти из боя Greece broke off relations with Turkey. Relations between Greece and Turkey have broken off. в) прекращать говорить Jim was in the middle of a funny story when he broke off to answer the telephone. Jim broke off telling the story to answer the telephone.

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Новости 27.02.2025 22:26:41