be up Англо-Русский Словарь

be up

а) закончиться Bring the boat in now, your time is up. б) встать, подняться What time do you have to be up tomorrow? в) повыситься (в том числе в цене) Production is up this quarter. Jane`s temperature is up again. Eggs are up again this month. г) произойти (обычно о чем-л. плохом, необычном) Something must be up, the children are not usually as quiet as that. What`s up? You look pale. I think I know what`s up with the washing machine. be up to замышлять что-л. е) приезжать в большой город Are the students up at the university yet? My family are up in London for a few days. ж) представать перед судом I`m sorry to hear that the boys are up in court again; what`s the charge this time?

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на B:
be up against - иметь проблемы The firm is up against serious competition from the other company, and will have to double our efforts to succeed.
be up for - а) рассматриваться, учитываться, обсуждаться How many committee members are up for re-election this time? I`ve heard that your name is up for the chairmanship. б) выставляться на продажу How long has that house been up for sale? в) представать перед судом по обвинению в чем-л. I hear the gardener is up for the robbery at the big house.

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Новости 07.03.2025 05:21:29