be out to Англо-Русский Словарь

be out to

всеми силами стремиться к чему-л.; she is out for compliments она напрашивается на комплименты

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на B:
be out with smb. - быть с кем-л. в ссоре, не в ладах
be over - а) приходить в чей-л. дом I`ll be over later this evening. б) заканчивать(ся) We all thought that the war would be over by Christmas. The rain will soon be over. в) оставаться Is there any cake over from the party? There might be a few pieces of cloth over when I`ve finished making the dress; you can have them.
be over and done with - быть полностью законченным You`ve come too late for the game, it`s all over and done with. it`s all over with someone имярек умер It`s all over with Mother, I`m afraid she died this morning. е) тратить много времени на что-л. Will you be long over that report? Don`t be all night over finishing your book.
be past - быть трудным для понимания It`s past me what he means! I`ll save this book till the children are older; it`s a little past them at the moment. The old man felt that he was now past going out every day, so he asked some young people to do his shopping.
be past hope - быть в безнадежном положении

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Новости 13.03.2025 06:12:08