be beneath smb.`s notice Англо-Русский Словарь

be beneath smb.`s notice

быть недостойным внимания Don`t let what Jack said worry you; that man`s opinion of your performance is beneath your notice.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на B:
be beside - находиться рядом с кем-л., чем-л. Your shoes are beside the chair. You shall be beside me in the church.
be beside oneself - быть в возбужденном, взволнованном состоянии Mary was beside herself with joy when she heard the good news. When Peter lost the race, he was beside himself with anger.
be beside the point - быть неважным, несвязанным You decided to come home for your own reasons; the fact that it rained is beside the point.
be better off - быть богаче
be between - находиться между чем-л., кем-л. The bank is between the shoe shop and the post office. In this photograph, I`m between Fred and my mother. be between ourselves, be between you and me, be between you, me, and the gatepost являться секретом Remember that everything I`ve told you of the firm`s plans is between ourselves. There is news that the Minister is to leave is to leave, but that`s between you, me, and the gatepost.
be beyond - а) находиться за чем-л. или вне пределов чего-л. The deer is beyond the trees. I can`t shoot it from this distance. The valley where we live is beyond the mountains. б) не подлежать чему-л., выходить за рамки, пределы чего-л. The soldier`s brave deed was beyond the call of duty. Calling spirits from the dead proved to be beyond the magician`s powers. The hospital says that the general is beyond medical help and will soon die. I`m afraid this old piano is now beyond repair so we`d better get rid of it. в) быть больше, чем что-л. The amount of money that I won was beyond all my hopes. г) быть слишком сложным для кого-л. I`m afraid this book`s beyond me; have you an easier one? The children tried to build a hut in the garden, but the work was beyond them and they had to ask their mother to help. It`s beyond me which house to choose, they`re both so nice! Now that he`s older, Jim`s father feels that he is beyond running the business on his own, and wants to employ someone to help him on busy days.

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Новости 27.02.2025 23:04:57