be at a dead end Англо-Русский Словарь

be at a dead end

быть в безнадежном состоянии, не иметь шансов на продвижение After days of arguing, the peace talks are now at a dead end.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на B:
be at a loss - быть неспособным сказать/сделать что-л. The shock was so great that for a moment I was at a loss for words. We were at a loss to know what to do when the jewels were stolen.
be at an end - кончаться My patience is at an end, I can listen to her complaints no longer.
be at anchor - стоять на якоре
be at attention - (military военный) стоять по стойке "смирно" Do you call that being at attention? Stand up straight, man!
be at each other`s throats - набрасываться друг на друга Don`t let those dogs off their chains or they`ll be at each others throats in minutes! It wasn`t long before the two leading politicians were at each other`s throats as usual.
be at ease - (military военный) стоять в положении "вольно" Tell the men to be at ease, captain.
be at gaze - находиться в состоянии замешательства, быть в изумлении
be at grass - пастись, быть на подножном корму; (figuratively в переносном значении) (collective noun собирательное имя существительное) быть на отдыхе, на каникулах; быть без дела
be at home - находиться дома I`m sorry, Mr Baker is not at home; can I take a message? If the minister calls, tell him I`m not at home. I`m not at home to any travelling salesmen. Mr and Mrs Fox will be at home to their friends on Thursday evening from 7,30

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Новости 27.02.2025 22:58:01