be against Англо-Русский Словарь

be against

а) противостоять кому-л., чему-л. Driving without seat belts may soon be against the law. Father was against (his daughter) marrying young. б) противоречить чему-л. Lying is against my principles. It`s against nature to wear high shoes.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на B:
be ahead - быть впереди (особенно в соревновании), опережать And now Oxford are ahead, they`re leading by three lengths. Jane used to have difficulty with her school work, but she`s been ahead for several months now.
be ahead of - быть впереди кого-л., чего-л., опережать кого-л., что-л. For a few minutes Jim was ahead of all the other runners, until his greatest competitor passed him. That boy is always ahead of his fellows. A great painter is usually ahead of his time.
be all beat up - очень уставать You go ahead and leave me here, I`m all beat up.
be all right - а) быть в порядке; б) чувствовать себя хорошо
be allied to - быть тесно связанным с; иметь общие черты (с)
be along - приходить Jim will be along (to the meeting) in a minute.
be amiss - (о событии) быть неожиданным, выдающимся The doctor said there was nothing amiss with her.
be angry with smb. - сердиться на кого-л.

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Новости 13.03.2025 06:12:38