put apart Англо-Русский Словарь
put apart | а) помещать раздельно; One chair was put apart from the others. People suffering from an infectious disease were put apart. б) сберегать (деньги, время и т. п.); I have a little money put apart for a rainy day. I`ve put the whole weekend apart for house-hunting. |
см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на P: | put as - приблизительно определять, предполагать; I would put her time of birth as around 8.30 p.m. The size of the crowd has been put as over 10,000 | put aside - а) откладывать (в сторону); She put her sewing aside when the telephone rang. б) откладывать на время, прерывать; Tom put his new book aside for a year. в) прекращать, останавливать, приостанавливать (что-л.); положить конец (чему-л.); It`s time to put our differences aside and work together. г) сохранять (деньги, время и т. п.); I have a little money put aside for a rainy day. I`ve put aside the whole weekend for house-hunting. д) отводить, отбрасывать; стараться не замечать; Putting aside the fact that the man has been in prison, he would seem to be a suitable worker. | put at - а) помещать, ставить, класть перед (кем-л., чем-л.); The worshippers put their gifts at the feet of the god. The natives put the food at the entrance. б) приблизительно определять, предполагать; I put her age at 33. His income can probably be put at $8,000 a year. |
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Новости 13.03.2025 06:21:47