lead away Англо-Русский Словарь

lead away

увлечь, увести; The police at last caught the young jewel thief and led him away.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на L:
lead glance - (mineralogy минералогия) свинцовый блеск, галенит
lead into - а) вводить, вставлять (слова, музыку); The pianist led into the next piece of music. This movement leads straight into the next one, without a break. Quickly the speaker led into his main argument; б) приводить к чему-л. (плохому), ввергать; Behaviour like this will lead you into trouble.
lead off - начинать, класть начало; открывать (прения, бал); Who will lead off by asking the first question? The next artist is going to lead off with a song.
lead on - а) завлекать, увлекать; б) вовлекать (во что-л. плохое); The boy claimed that he had been led on by his criminal companions. в) обманывать; Advertisements for houses for sale often lead buyers on with misleading descriptions.
lead on a leash - вести на поводке
lead out of - а) выходить, выводить Road signs lead the traffic out of the city. б) воодушевлять, вовлекать в разговор; Mary`s very quiet; will you look after her at the party and try to lead her out a little?

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Новости 25.02.2025 22:56:18