kick against Англо-Русский Словарь

kick against

не нравиться, выражать недовольство You`ll only make yourself feel worse if you kick against your bad luck - you just have to learn to accept it. The customers are kicking against paying such high prices.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на K:
kick around - а) грубо обращаться There must be something wrong with a child who kicks his toys around. б) (slang; jargon сленг; жаргон) рассматривать со всех сторон The committee kicked your suggestion around for over an hour before deciding that they could not accept it. в) придираться, отдавать ненужные приказы The directors will find that times have changed; they can no longer kick the workers around and make them do whatever they want.
kick at - не нравиться, выражать недовольство You`ll only make yourself feel worse if you kick at your bad luck - you just have to learn to accept it. The customers are kicking at paying such high prices, and they can hardly be blamed.
kick away - прогнать, выгнать (часто с позором)
kick back - а) (от)платить той же монетой б) (aeronautics авиация). отдавать назад Be careful how you start the motor, it sometimes kicks back. в) (collective noun собирательное имя существительное) отдавать (часть незаконно полученных денег под нажимом и т. п.) We only won the contract because we agreed to kick back 5% of the profit to the man who got us the job. г) (collective noun собирательное имя существительное) возвращать (краденое) д) (о болезни) возобновляться This kind of feverish cold is slow to cure; it often kicks back just when you think you`re better.

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Новости 27.02.2025 23:03:08