hit back Англо-Русский Словарь

hit back

а) давать сдачи If he hits you first, I suppose it`s all right to hit him back. б) отражать атаку In a letter to the newspaper, Tom hit back at those who had found fault with his latest book.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на H:
hit off - а) точно изобразить немногими штрихами, словами; уловить сходство The boy`s performance of the teacher hit her off to perfection. б) импровизировать в) напасть на (след, мысль) г) иметь хорошие отношения с кем-л. How nice that the two girls hit it off so well. Do you hit it off with your husband`s mother?
hit on - случайно обнаружить I hope that after all these talks someone will hit on a way out of our difficulty. How did you hit on the right answer so quickly.
hit or miss - наугад, наудачу; кое-как
hit out - а) наносить сильные удары Surrounded by three men who were threatening him, Jim hit out in all directions and soon had them all lying unconscious on the ground. б) атаковать (на словах) A late speech gives a politician a good chance to hit out. The labour unions have hit out against wage controls.
hit parade - = hit-parade
hit the beach - пристать к берегу, высадиться

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Новости 26.02.2025 00:29:22