get down Англо-Русский Словарь
get down | а) спуститься, сойти Get down from that horse at once! The cat climbed the tree, and then couldn`t get down. б) снять (с полки) в) проглатывать Try to get the medicine down, it`s good for you. г) засесть (за учение и т. п.) (to) д) подстрелить Did you get down the enemy plane? The hunters got down three deer е) выходить из-за стола Please, may I get down? All right, down you get, then, all of you! ж) записывать Get down every word she says. з) нервировать This continuous wet weather is getting me down. и) уделять внимание (to) It`s time we got down to work. |
см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на G: | get drunk - напиться пьяным | get for nothing - получить даром | get free - освободиться | get from abroad - получать что-л. из-за границы | get hold of - суметь схватить (часто мысль) | get home - а) добраться до дома Did you get home all right? б) выигрывать Did your horse get home? в) быть понятым Her remark about people who forget birthdays got home to her husband at last. The President`s speech about the need for saving power got home, and everyone started turning off lights. | get in - а) входить, вносить, вводить Help me to get the washing in, it`s raining. Please get the children in, their dinner`s ready. The children like helping the farmer to get the cows in. б) пройти на выборах He was surprised to get in at his first election. в) сажать (семена) We must get next year`s potatoes in soon while the soil is ready. г) убирать (сено, урожай) The farmers are getting the crops in now they are ripe. д) нанести удар е) вернуть (долги и т. п.) ж) войти в пай, участвовать; (on - в) Alice is always wanting to get in on the act. It`s a good idea to get in at the start, whatever you`re doing. з) вставлять (слова), вворачивать May I get a word in? He always gets his favourite story in when he makes a speech. She spoke so fast that I couldn`t get a word in. и) быть принятым (в учебное заведение) Did your son get in? Mine did. к) быть на дружеской ноге (with) She`s been trying to get in with the social leaders of the town for some time. |
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