get a shop Англо-Русский Словарь

get a shop

(theater театр) получить ангажемент

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на G:
get aboard - сесть на корабль, в самолет и т. п.
get about - а) распространяться (о слухах) Stories have been getting about concerning the government`s secret intentions. б) начинать (вы)ходить после болезни Mother is much better now, thank you, she`s able to get about a bit more.
get abreast of - получать сведения Scientists have to work hard to get abreast of the latest discoveries and developments in their field.
get abroad - распространяться (о слухах); становиться известным How did the news of his appointment get abroad before it was made official?
get across - а) перебираться, переправляться Using the new bridge to get across will save people a lot of time. б) четко изложить; to get across an idea - четко изложить мысль в) нервировать, раздражать His mother at last got across me, making rude remarks in my own home. Take care not to get across the director, he could have you dismissed.
get after - ругать She`s always getting after the children for one thing or another.
get ahead - а) продвигаться The horse that we were hoping would win began to get ahead halfway through the race. б) преуспевать Jane used to be slow in class, but now she is getting ahead, if you want to get ahead in your job, you must listen to advice from more experienced workers.

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Новости 13.03.2025 06:42:40