fling out Англо-Русский Словарь

fling out

а) разразиться (бранью и т. п.) б) брыкаться (о лошади); Suddenly the horse flung out and the rider was thrown to the ground. в) броситься вон She turned and flung out (of the room) without another word. г) выгонять, исключать Two members were flung out of the club for failing to pay the money they owed. д) отвергать The new law was flung out when it reached the last stage in Parliament. е) предлагать At last the chairman flung out his own suggestion, which the committee were eager to accept.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на F:
fling to - захлопнуть
fling together - а) способствовать встрече Jim and Mary were flung together by the war. б) писать, читать в спешке This poem sounds as if it was flung together in half an hour. The hut isn`t safe, it was just flung together.
fling up - а) to fling one`s arms up всплеснуть руками б) упускать You shouldn`t fling up a chance like that. в) бросать Jim has flung up his studies. г) быстро строить Let`s use this wood to fling up a shelter for the night. д) упоминать I don`t want his past record flung up in court.
fling upon to fling oneself upon smb.`s mercy - отдаться на милость кого-л.

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Новости 27.02.2025 22:32:47