drop in Англо-Русский Словарь

drop in

а) (collective noun собирательное имя существительное) зайти, заглянуть Drop in to see us any time you`re in town. Look who`s just dropped in! Let`s drop in on Jim and Mary while we`re in the neighbourhood. б) (collective noun собирательное имя существительное) входить один за другим в) выбирать (систему образования и т.д.) Since they have been allowed to choose their own courses, many more students have been dropping in to classes. The organization has asked the city council for more money for the drug treatment centre, where so many young people are dropping in.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на D:
drop in prices - падение цен
drop into - а) случайно зайти, заглянуть Let`s drop into the hotel for a quick drink. б) втянуться, приобрести привычку в) ввязаться (в разговор)
drop off - а) расходиться б) уменьшаться Student numbers have been dropping off recently. Interest in the game has dropped off. в) заснуть I was sitting in the armchair reading the newspaper when I dropped off. I had a bad night. I went to bed early enough but for some reason I couldn`t drop off. г) умереть д) оставить кого-л., что-л. Drop me off at the corner, and I`ll walk from there. I just want to drop this letter off, I`ll drop my coat off at the cleaners on my way to the office. е) ухудшаться The quality of performance has dropped off since last year.

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Новости 27.02.2025 23:10:08