drop away Англо-Русский Словарь

drop away

а) уходить один за другим б) уменьшаться Student numbers have been dropping away recently, interest in the game has dropped away. в) ухудшаться The quality of performance has dropped away since last year.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на D:
drop back - (military военный) (sport спортивный) отступать, отходить This record has dropped back to third place in the popularity lists.
drop behind - а) отставать б) снижать уровень We thought the horse would win, but he dropped behind halfway through the race. Don`t drop behind now, just when you`re doing so well. Production has dropped behind in the last few months. в) задерживать платеж If your payments of rent drop behind, you will be asked to leave.
drop dead - а) неожиданно умереть Poor Mrs Whitehead dropped dead in the street yesterday. б) неожиданно бросить кого-л., что-л. The government dropped the plan dead when they I famed how much it would cost. When he learned that his companions were secret criminals, he dropped them dead. в) (slang; jargon сленг; жаргон) прекращать нервировать кого-л. Drop dead!
drop down - наносить неожиданный визит Let`s drop down to his summer home and see if he`s there.

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Новости 27.02.2025 23:08:20