drive away at Англо-Русский Словарь

drive away at

усердно работать над чем-л. She sits at her desk for hours, driving away at her work.

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на D:
drive for - стремиться The factory must drive for increased production this year.
drive home - убеждать, внедрять в сознание
drive home to - заставить кого-л. поверить во что-л. You must drive the difficulty home to John.
drive in - а) загонять to drive the cows in загнать коров б) въехать We built the garage joining the house so that you can drive straight in. в) вдолбить в кого-л. The speaker tried to drive in his point, but the crowd were not interested. г) вбивать (гвоздь) You have to use strength and skill to drive these long nails in.
drive into - а) вбивать With a cry of joy he drove the last nail into the wood. б) (figuratively в переносном значении) вдалбливать, растолковывать Can`t you drive some manners into the boy? в) приводить кого-л. в какое-л. состояние Your behaviour is driving me into a nervous breakdown.
drive off - а) заставить отступить The army drove off the enemy with much effort and loss of life. б) сдерживать Sing a song to drive off those feelings of sadness. This medicine will help to drive the disease off. The police used horses to drive the crowds off.

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Новости 13.03.2025 06:52:49