CHU Англо-Русский Словарь


= centigrade heat unit (noun существительное) фунт-калория

см. также другие слова , начинающиеся на C:
chub - (noun существительное) голавль (рыба)
chubby - (adjective имя прилагательное) круглолицый, полнощекий (synonym синоним) fat
chuck away - а) тратить понапрасну, терять (on) Why did you chuck your money away on such a worthless plan? Your advice is chucked away on that boy. б) упускать (возможность) Never chuck away a chance to improve your English. в) бросаться словами You chucked away that last line.
chuck down - бросить(ся) на землю; When he heard the bomb whistling down. Jim chucked himself down on the floor with his hands over his head.
chuck in - а) бросать делать что-л. Jim has chucked in his studies. б) давать впридачу If you buy the furniture, the shop will chuck in a television set. в) вставлять (слова) There was no need for you to chuck in that remark.
chuck jaw - кулачок зажимного патрона
chuck off - а) сбегать If we run fast we`ll be able to chuck the police off. б) освобождаться (от чего-л. плохого) I don`t seem to be able to chuck off this cold.
chuck out - а) выгонять; выводить, выставлять (беспокойного посетителя из комнаты, общественного места) Two members were chucked out (of the club) for failing to pay the money they owed. A man was employed to chuck out any troublemakers. б) выбрасывать I really must chuck out all those old newspapers. в) выгонять из дома The old lady was chucked out of the house because the owner wanted to pull it down. г) отклонять (предложение, закон и т.д.) The committee considered your suggestions but chucked them out because they would cost too much. д) сболтнуть It was unfortunate that you chucked out that remark. е) портить что-л. Our plans were chucked out by bad weather.

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Новости 27.02.2025 22:44:04